

Friends and Lovers, welcome to our update blog. This is the part of the site that’s probably gonna be the most active, bookmark it, if you’re the type to utilize bookmarks.

So, here’s how this’ll work. From now on, whenever we release a new episode, we’re gonna post a link here, with all of the many listening options avaliable to you. This saves us posting 4 fucking links on Twitter like some kind of goddamn maniac. Just makes things a bit more neat and centralized.

This’ll be for all of our shows, like. So Think of the Children, and Realm, this is the place for both of them, as well as any other shows we may add in the future (I’ve been having way too many ideas for them, it’s low key insane).

Not much else to say, really, so i’ll let you go. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and see out the new year in style. Love you all <3

- Owen xxx