Think of the Children: Episode 49 - Gaiman's Filthy Pawprints

It’s the SpOoOoOoOkY Halloween Episode! This week, the boys do the unthinkable as they create some wholesome entertainment, send HBC to lead a phantom troupe and make their greatest fears into your greatest fears too…
Come one, come all, and listen to our scaaaaaary broadcast! Check it out via your Podcatcher or the links below… if you dare!


A Brief Break in Transmission

Hey gang!

This is a brief update about the show for the next couple of weeks, so here we go.

We’re going to be taking a brief hiatus, just for a couple of weeks, from all our shows. You may have heard me talking about how Jay is really busy with Uni at the moment on the last episode. It’s taking a bit of a toll on him, and he can’t commit to production at the moment. Similarly, my mental health isn’t exactly doing great at the minute, and i’m not having the easiest time getting the show together, so we decided to take a break. We’ll be back the week beginning 27/5/19.

We apologise for any disapointment caused by this, however, these things in tandem are affecting the show’s quality in a negative way. If a few weeks off is what we need to get back on track, then that’s what we’re gonna do.

This doesn’t mean we’re gone the whole time though. The episode we just recorded, while it isn’t good enough for a general release, does have some funny goofs in there. As such, i’ll throw it up as a Patreon bonus episode. This won’t happen often, so don’t worry, you aren’t missing out if you aren’t a patron, I just didn’t want some of these jokes to go completely to waste.

Again, I apologise for any disapontment, and hope that you all understand why this break is so crucial.

I love you, We’ll see you in a few weeks.

Please Stand By.

-Owen xo

Think of the Children: Episode 42 - Robotnik's Sperm Emissions (feat. Ismay Hutton)

This week, Owen is joined by Ismay Hutton (@aTeacupGamer) in the office as Jay is off being productive, or something. We do the nasty thing by turning a beloved childhood toy into a sex toy/weapon/Sonic the Hedgehog horror device, turn Ismay’s dad into a buffon that can’t stop building sex robits, and (most importantly) create new merch. Iconic. New. Merch.




